Allocca Biotechnology, LLC

Allocca Biotechnology is a leader of
Advanced Scientific Technology in Healthcare

Books - Index

Books for the General Public:

Health, Technology, and the Expanding Human Consciousness

Seven Steps to Better Mental Health

Neurochemical Reprogramming Guidebook

Photography - A Path To Healing (Full Color Book)

Starship Diabetes

Introduction to Astronomy and Photography

Books for Healthcare Professionals:

The Neurotransmitter Solution for Migraine, Depression, and more

Nutrition and Physiology with Biochemical Models (Textbook)

Dark Field Microscopy (Textbook)

Peripheral Vascular Doppler Ultrasound Testing with Nutrition and Exercise for Mild PAD (Textbook)


Health, Technology, and the Expanding Human Consciousness

Dr. John A. Allocca
ISBN: 9798884118850
469 - 6" x 9" pages

Black and White and Color Versions

We believe that health and consciousness are the next step in human evolution. Our mission is to help people achieve optimal health and wellness. Join us on the journey to a healthier, more conscious life. This book has something for everyone. From eating healthy to migraine to diabetes to self-development to consciousness.

Table of Contents:
    1. BrainicityTM Brain Synchronization and Resonance
    2. Neurochemical Reprogramming For Migraine, Depression, and Other Neurotransmitter Problems
    3. The Physiological Effects of Emotional Stress
    4. Stress Reduction with Desktop Yoga
    5. Nutritional Guidelines
    6. Exercise
    7. Healthy Gourmet Recipes
    8. Photography - A Path To Healing
    9 - Evolution

1. BrainicityTM Brain Synchronization and Resonance

The program starts with BrainicityTM Brain Synchronization and Resonance. This is the easiest part of the program. Simply listen to the mp3 files with stereo headphones or stereo earphones or listen and watch the mp4 files. This part of the program will allow the listener to relax and create new neural pathways in the brain, which may be able eliminate some suppressed past trauma and allow the brain to relax and evolve to a higher consciousness.

What is ascension? Who are we? Where do we come from? What is our purpose? These are the primary questions the human race asks. Some people say that ascension is going to a place like heaven. Others say it is the evolution of the human brain.

The Ancients believed the universe consists of multi-dimensions. Quantum physics today is showing serious consideration of this theory. It is believed that there are ascending levels of consciousness associated with multi-dimensionality. Advancing to a higher level of consciousness / higher dimension may be considered ascending.

Understanding the world around us expands as consciousness evolves, and higher awareness activates knowledge, inherent in ancient wisdom traditions. BrainicityTM Brain Synchronization and Resonance can be the shortcut to the path of awakening consciousness through self-discovery and the use of advanced technology in the acceleration of human consciousness.

BrainicityTM uniquely uses integrated harmonic wave audio patterns to facilitate multiple brain synchronization and biofield resonances whereby different sounds are fed into the left and right ear.

2. Neurochemical Reprogramming for Migraine, Depression, and other Neurotransmitter Problems

The second part of the program is primarily intended for people who suffer from Migraine, Depression, and Other Neurotransmitter Problems. However, many people may have neurotransmitter problems without being aware of it. The program primarily involves eliminating substances that cause a loss of neurotransmitter while increasing the intake of substances needed to make neurotransmitters.

Are you tired of suffering from migraines, depression, and other neurotransmitter problems? Do you struggle with mental focus, cognitive function, or sleep? Look no further than Neurochemical Reprogramming! Neurochemical Reprogramming is designed to upgrade your mind and body, providing you with the tools you need to achieve a healthier, more balanced life.

The loss of neurotransmitters cause problems such as, Migraine Headaches, Depression, Insomnia, Anger, Violence, and Bipolar Syndrome, Decreased Sexuality, Increased Appetite for Carbohydrates, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Tinnitus, Fibromyalgia, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Our clinically proven protocol (see Clinical Study, Migraine Testimonials, etc. below), developed by Dr. Allocca, aims to reduce or eliminate substances that cause a loss of neurotransmitters while increasing the intake of substances needed to make neurotransmitters. By doing so, we can help prevent the onset of migraines, depression, and other neurotransmitter problems while improving mental focus and cognitive function. You'll even get better sleep!

3. The Physiological Effects of Emotional Stress

Emotional stress triggers a physiological response in the body, leading to a cascade of effects that can negatively impact health. When emotional stress is experience, the body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which increase heart rate and blood pressure. Prolonged exposure to these hormones can lead to chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Additionally, emotional stress can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness.

4. Stress Reduction with Desktop Yoga

In today's fast-paced work environment, stress levels can be high, leading to decreased productivity and overall well-being. But with Desktop Yoga, take a few minutes to stretch and breathe, reducing stress levels and increasing focus. These simple exercises can be done right at a desk, without any special equipment or clothing. Get a calmer, more focused workday with Desktop Yoga.

5. Nutritional Guidelines

Fast food doesn't promote a healthy environment for the body to live and grow in. This part of the program will cover the basics of healthy nutrition and include healthy gourmet recipes.

Eating a balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional guidelines provide valuable information on the types of food we should consume to maintain good health. By following these guidelines, one can ensure that they are getting the right nutrients and avoiding unhealthy foods. Understanding nutritional guidelines is key to achieving optimal health and well-being.

6. Exercise

Stay healthy and active with regular exercise. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a home workout, staying active is essential for physical and mental well-being.

7. Healthy Gourmet Recipes

The latest collection of healthy gourmet recipes is here to inspire! From flavorful salads to hearty soups and stews, our recipes are packed with wholesome ingredients and bold flavors. Developed for the seasoned home cook or just starting out, there are plenty of ideas to keep the taste buds satisfied and the body nourished.

8. Photography - A Path To Healing

This part of the program will be the most fun. Connect to nature and to yourself and to the world around you.

Are you looking for a way to connect with your inner self and explore your spirituality? Look no further than our free monthly Zoom meetings and free courses centered around photography as a means of self-discovery. Our program is designed to help you explore the relationship between photography and your innermost thoughts and feelings.

At our meetings, you'll have the opportunity to connect with others who share your interests and engage in a variety of creative activities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, we welcome all skill levels and encourage everyone to participate in the free self-discovery course we offer. You can use a mobile phone camera or any camera.

9. Evolution

Discover the potential of knowledge and how it can shape the future, unlocking new possibilities in an ever-changing world.

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Seven Steps to Better Mental Health
A Mixture of Self-Discovery and Technology

Dr. John A. Allocca
ISBN: 978-9798858568735
190 - 6" x 9" pages

Lack of inner peace is a common issue faced by many in today's society. We believe that the solution lies in a methodology that combines technology and mental and self-discovery exercises. While various disciplines have been developed over thousands of years to achieve inner peace, most of them have been found in eastern cultures. However, the fast-paced western society has shown little interest in them. Therefore, we are excited to introduce a new methodology that will be useful and of interest to people in western society. Our methodology comprises of various exercises designed to help individuals attain inner peace through self-discovery and mental growth. We believe that this approach will help individuals reduce stress, anxiety, and promote overall well-being. Join us on this journey towards achieving inner peace and a better quality of life.

This book may be a good adjunct to psychotherapy or psychotherapy may be a good adjunct to this book.

Dr. Allocca is a medical research scientist and biophysicist who developed a biochemical model of migraine and depression, Desktop Yoga, and the BrainicityTM Brain Biofield Enhancement System.

Step 1 - Understanding Serotonin and Norepinephrine, is very technical. A complete understanding is not necessary. The purpose of this information is to provide an insight into the biochemical mechanisms of neurotransmitters, which is extremely complicated and not solved by a simple pill.

Step 2 - Understanding Serotonin and Norepinephrine Related Disorders, explains the role of neurotransmitters in various disorders including, but not limited to Migraine Headaches, Depression, and Insomnia, Anger, Violence, and Bipolar Syndrome, Decreased Sexuality, Increased Body Temperature, Increased Appetite for Carbohydrates, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Tinnitus, Fibromyalgia, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Step 3 - Understanding the Causes of Serotonin and Norepinephrine Imbalance, explains the importance of diet and supplementation regarding it's role in the production and depletion of neurotransmitters, including Insufficiency of Related Chemicals to Produce Serotonin and Norepinephrine, Chemical Depletion of Serotonin and Norepinephrine, Tyramine Depletion of Serotonin and Norepinephrine, Inflammatory Eicosanoid Serotonin Depletion, Allergic Reactions and Serotonin Depletion, Emotional Stress, Alcohol, and Serotonin Depletion, Changes in Gonadatropin Hormone Levels and Serotonin Levels, Intestinal Dysbiosis and Serotonin Depletion, Dehydration, and The Glycemic Index.

Step 4 - Balancing Serotonin and Norepinephrine Levels Though Diet and Supplementation, explains how to balance the levels of neurotransmitter in the body including Increase Neurotransmitter Production and Reduce Neurotransmitter Loss, Detoxification, The Ascorbate Flush, Neurobiology Formula 12397 (NeuroLife) – Neurotransmitter and Glucose Control, Food to Avoid, Chemicals to Avoid, Food to Eat, Carbohydrate Balanced Meals, Are Whole Grains Healthy?, Brown Rice vs White Rice, Caffeine, and Summary.

Step 5 - BrainicityTM Brain Biofield Enhancement, is easy to understand and use. Simply relax and listen to the audio files or listen to and watch the video files. Use stereo headphones or earphones to enable the bilateral (binaural) effect.

Step 6 - Desktop Yoga, provides brief and easy yoga exercises that can be done even for those who are ill and have little energy or for those who have little time.

Step 7 - Photography - A Path To Healing, outlines a journey that is fun! This step uses the ancient medicine wheel to provide guidance along the journey.

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Neurochemical Reprogramming Guidebook
for Migraine, Depression, and Other Neurotransmitter Problems

The contents of this book is now incorporated into the book "Health, Technology, and the Expanding Human Consciousness"

Table of Contents:
  • Dr. Allocca's Journey with Migraine
  • Step 1 - Understanding Migraine and Other Neurotransmitter Disorders
  • Step 2 - Eliminate the Offenders
  • Step 3 - Hydration
  • Step 4 - Nutritional Supplementation
  • Step 5 - Stress Reduction with BrainicityTM Brain Synchronization
  • Step 6 - Stress Reduction with Desktop Yoga
  • Step 7 - Fine Tuning with Caffeine
  • Step 8 - Fine Tuning with The Glycemic Index
  • Step 9 - Photography - A Path To Healing
  • ISBN: 9798876020208
    73 - 6" x 9" pages

    Click to order the printed book or ebook from Amazon

    Photography - A Path To Healing (Full Color Book)

    The contents of this book is now incorporated into the book "Health, Technology, and the Expanding Human Consciousness"

    Dr. John A. Allocca, Copyright 2022
    ISBN 9798831915679
    172 - 6" x 9" pages

    Everyone wants inner peace. It is the lack of inner peace that causes hatred and violence. For thousands of years various disciplines have structured long studies, mentoring, and meditations of some sort to achieve the goal of inner peace. Most of these disciplines are found in eastern cultures. The fast-paced western society has shown little interest in them, with some small exceptions. What is the solution? The solution or part of the solution is to develop a methodology that comprises of technology and some aspects of the various disciplines that will be useful and of interest to people in western society.

    Almost everyone in western society has a cell phone with a camera, which makes photography easy. Photography is a tool used in this methodology to to explore what people feel inside. Any camera or cell phone can be used. What are you called to photograph? What emotions does the photograph bring to the surface? How does it make you feel? This book will help to guide you through this process. This book contains two of Dr. Allocca's personal journeys: 2009 and 2018. A 2019 addendum has been added to the book.

    Dr. Allocca is a medical research scientist and biophysicist with many years of personal experience in photography and with some knowledge of Buddhism, Shamanism, Yoga, self-discovery, and personal growth.

    Table of Contents:
        Brain Biofield Technology
        The Genesis Meditation
        The Journey Started in Sedona
        Photographic Journeying
        Journey to the East 2009
        Journey to the South 2009
        Journey to the West 2009
        Journey to the North 2009
        Journey to the East 2018
        Journey to the South 2018
        Journey to the West 2018
        Journey to the North 2018
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 1 - Beginning with a Camera
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 2 - Beginning Assignments
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 3 - East
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 4 - South
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 5 - West
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 6 - North
        Your Personal Journey Guidance - Part 7 - Journey Reflection
        Addendum 2019
        Addendum 2020
        Addendum 2021
        Addendum 2022

    All of the photos and diagrams in this book are in full color.

    Click to order the full color printed book from Amazon

    Click to order the full color Kindle ebook from Amazon

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    Starship Diabetes

    John A. Allocca, D.Sc., Ph.D., Copyright 2013
    ISBN 978-1-300-57591-7
    179 - 6" x 9" pages

    Welcome aboard Starship Diabetes. We will take you on a journey to diabetes management. Companion website:

    Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates
    Balancing Carbohydrates
    Gluten and Dairy
    Digestive Enzymes
    Diabetes Type 1 and 2
    Practical Insulin Dosing
    Carbohydrate Craving
    Digestive Enzymes
    Low Glycemic Index Food
    Intestinal Dysbiosis
    The Physiological Effects of Emotional Stress
    Healthy Gourmet Recipes
    Biometabolic Analysis

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    Because of the extensive use of diagrams and tables, ebooks are not as easy to read as printed books.

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    Introduction to Astronomy and Photography

    Dr. John A. Allocca, Copyright 2017
    ISBN 978-1547107346
    240 - 6" x 9" pages

    This book covers the basics of astronomy and photography

    Table of Contents:
    Part 1 - Astronomy Basics
        Learning Astronomy
        Binocular Collimation
        Telescopes and Spotting Scopes
        Field of View
        Light Gathering
        Tripods and Mounts
        Polar Alignment with an Equatorial Mount
        Star Charts for the Northern Hemisphere
        Moon Phases
        Perspective of Earth and the Universe
    Part 2 - Photography Basics
        Photography Basics
        Backyard Bird Photography
    Part 3 - Astrophotography and Observing
        Astrophotography Basics
        DSLR Astrophotography
        A Beginner’s Guide to Imaging the Moon
        Solar Imaging and Observation with White Light Filtration
        Solar Imaging and Observation with Hydrogen Alpha Filtration
        Tracking and Stacking Images
        Smart Imaging Telescopes

    Click to order the Black and White printed book from Amazon

    Because of the extensive use of diagrams and tables, ebooks have not been published.

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    Nutrition and Physiology with Biochemical Models (Textbook)

    John A. Allocca, D.Sc., Ph.D. Copyright 2012
    ISBN 978-1-499-63894-3
    395 - 8.5" x 11" pages

    This course covers basic nutrition, physiology, and biochemical models.

    Chapter 1 - The Cells, Immunity, and Circulation
    Chapter 2 - Digestion
    Chapter 3 - Carbohydrates
    Chapter 4 - Proteins
    Chapter 5 - Lipids
    Chapter 6 - Defining Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat
    Chapter 7 - Vitamins
    Chapter 8 - Minerals
    Chapter 9 - Foods High in Essential Nutrients
    Chapter 10 - Composition of Common Foods
    Chapter 11 - Phytochemicals
    Chapter 12 - Eicosanoids
    Chapter 13 - Biochemical Pathways
    Chapter 14 - The Glycemic Index
    Chapter 15 - Digestive Enzymes
    Chapter 16 - Blood Chemistry Evaluation
    Chapter 17 - Urinalysis
    Chapter 18 - Body Weight
    Chapter 19 - Estimating Total Energy Expenditure
    Chapter 20 - Some Drugs that Affect Nutrient Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion
    Chapter 21 - Evaluating and Treating Intestinal Dysbiosis
    Chapter 22 - Toxins, Detoxification, and Disease
    Chapter 23 - The Physiological Effects of Emotional Stress
    Chapter 24 - Friendly Bacteria May Not Be So Friendly
    Chapter 25 - Respiratory Allergies
    Chapter 26 - Migraine, Depression, and Other Serotonin and Norepinephrine Disorders
    Chapter 27 - Desktop Yoga
    Chapter 28 - Diabetes and Nutrition

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    Because of the extensive use of diagrams and tables, ebooks are not as easy to read as printed books.

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    Dark Field Microscopy and Physiological Testing Guidebook

    John A. Allocca, D.Sc., Ph.D. Copyright 2012
    ISBN 978-1544010694
    62 - 8.5" x 11" pages

    Dark Field Microscopy is a method of evaluating blood while it is biologically active. Blood is obtained by the finger-stick method under sterile conditions and observed using Dark Field microscopy. There are many cells and substances that can be seen in biologically active blood, including lipids, indicators of toxicity, oxidation, etc. The Dark Field microscope is an important tool used to evaluate candida albicans overgrowth. This book also covers physiological testing.

    Table of Contents
    Chapter 1 - The Microscope
    Chapter 2 - Collecting and Preparing Specimens
    Chapter 3 - Dark-field Identification
    Chapter 7 - Hidden Infections
    Chapter 5 - Microscope Supplies
    Chapter 6 - Microscope Recommendations
    Chapter 7 - Microphotography
    Chapter 8 - Microscopy Form
    Chapter 9 - CPT Codes
    Chapter 10 - Andromeda Assessment and Wellness Plan
    Chapter 11 - Blood Pressure
    Chapter 12 - Body Temperature
    Chapter 13 - Zinc Sulfate Heptahydrate Test
    Chapter 14 - Urinalysis
    Chapter 15 - Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
    Chapter 16 - Blood Glucose
    Chapter 17 - Peripheral Vascular Sonography
    Chapter 18 - Physiological Testing Equipment and Supplies
    Chapter 19 - Nutritional Guidelines

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    Because of the extensive use of diagrams and tables, ebooks are not as easy to read as printed books.

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    Peripheral Vascular Doppler Ultrasound Testing with Nutrition and Exercise for Mild PAD (Textbook)

    John A. Allocca, D.Sc., Ph.D. Copyright 2012
    ISBN 978-1-499-64042-7
    127 - 8.5" x 11" pages

    This course covers peripheral vascular anatomy, hemodynamics, physics, and peripheral vascular doppler ultrasound testing.

    Table of Contents:
    Doppler Physics
    Arteries of the Extremities
    Waveform Analysis
    Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
    Brachial Artery Pressure for Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) Study
    Posterior Tibial Artery Waveform and Pressure for ABI Study
    Segmental Pressures Study
    Toe Brachial Index (TBI) Toe Pressure Study
    Venous Reflux Study
    Pulse Volume Arterial Studies (PVR)
    Doppler Testing Equipment and Supplies
    ABI Form
    Insurance Reimbursement
    Nutrition for Mild PAD
    Desktop Yoga
    Healthy Gourmet Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Egg, and Yeast, Free Recipes
    Biometabolic Analysis

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    Because of the extensive use of diagrams and tables, ebooks have not been published.

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