Allocca Biotechnology, LLC
Allocca Biotechnology is a leader of
Advanced Scientific Technology in Healthcare
Welcome aboard the Starship Diabetes
We will take you on a journey to diabetes management

Flight Plan:
Free Airfare:
1. Read Pre-flight Information
2. Read In-flight Meals
3. Information and Tips
4. Read Product Tests and Reviews
5. Email Dr. Allocca with Questions
6. Read the book "Starship Diabetes"
Pre-Flight Information:
From the book "Starship Diabetes"
Insulin is a hormone that enables glucose to transport into the cells where it is used to produce energy. If the body does not generate enough insulin or is resistant to insulin, the blood glucose and urine glucose will rise.
Type 1 diabetes consists of approximately 5 percent of diabetics. One half of 5 percent are adults. When a juvenile becomes diabetic, antibodies are generated by the immune system that destroys 80%-90% of the insulin-generating beta cells in the pancreas. In time, the immune system will destroy the remaining 10%-20% of the beta cells. In adults, antibodies are generated by the immune system that destroy 80%-90% of the insulin generating beta cells in the pancreas. Then, the antibodies disappear from the body. The remaining 10%-20% of the beta cells will usually continue thoughout the adults life if insulin resistance does not complicate the diabetes. Type 1 diabetes can develop from a viral infection, bacterial infection, or heredity. The primary treatment for Type 1 diabetes is insulin.
In Type 2 diabetes, which is seen in children and adults, the cells become resistant to the insulin that enables glucose to transport into them. Type 2 diabetes can develop from obesity, poor diet, high sugar diet, lack of exercise, and heredity. Often, Type 2 diabetes can be treated with diet and exercise. Oral medicals are used if diet and exercise cannot adequately lower the blood glucose levels. Sometimes, insulin is added if the oral medications are not adequate.
In-Flight Meals:
From the book "Starship Diabetes"
A meal should have more carbohydrate than fat. If daily meals consists of more fat than carbohydrate, the brain will not have a sufficient amount of glucose, resulting in the production of ketones from fat for the brain to survive. This is a process called "ketosis," which can lead to other problems. A high fat diet will require a high amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, a diabetic should seek a low fat, low carbohydrate diet.
The American Diabetes Foundation recommends 45-60g carbohydrates per meal for adults.
The carbohydrate content of a meal should be greater than the fat content of a meal.
Click to see Carbohydrate Balanced Meals